Operation: Meaningful & Gainful Employment

We have an Altitude Attitude – believing we can ALL reach new heights!

The Resource Exchange (TRE) aims to address the employment needs of individuals with disabilities through its social impact business, New Altitude Coworking & Office Space. The initiative seeks to work with our partner agencies to reduce the unemployment rate among individuals with disabilities. Some statistics state that employment rates for these individuals can be as high as 80% for those who want and are able to work. It is essential to underscore that within this program, meaningful and gainful employment holds paramount significance, just as it does for any other individual seeking employment opportunities.

Strategy for Inclusive Employment


Empowering Individuals with Disabilities:

At New Altitude, our commitment to inclusivity begins at the reception desk, where we’ll pioneer employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. We aim to onboard approximately 10 individuals, providing shifts that accommodate various abilities and needs, thereby fostering employment not just for individuals, but also for job coaches. Collaborating with Integrated Life Choices job coaching program, we’ll integrate their expertise within their Whispering Aspen store, extending employment opportunities to the IDD community.


Promoting Education and Advocacy:

Our mission extends beyond our doors. We’ll actively advocate for the hiring of individuals with disabilities based on merit and capability, rather than out of charity or obligation. Establishing strategic partnerships with organizations such as UCCS’s Office of Inclusive Services, Colorado Office of Employment First, and the ARC, we’ll educate New Altitude members on the vast potential and skill set of individuals with disabilities. Embracing innovative mediums, such as a dedicated podcast and lunch-n-learns, we’ll spearhead community-wide education and awareness campaigns.